From Eina Ahluwalia to Eina
After 21 years of making meaningful jewellery, and not particularly playing by the rules, Eina Ahluwalia has decided to go rogue.
Under the new lean, clean and not so mean brand name “Eina” she will explore how her language translates beyond jewellery, across art and design. She hopes to create and curate products and experiences that nourish the hearts and fuel the journeys of the wise and the wild, everyday people who inspire her by leading courageous and compassionate lives.

What is Eina
Eina is an open ended time and space for infinite explorations across media, to create, curate and collaborate, with an aim to bring to life objects and experiences that nourish your heart, soothe your soul, and encourage you to live your fullest, deepest, wildest, wisest life. The essence of Eina is collective healing and growth, rooted in the belief that our souls are intertwined. In the pursuit of greater freedom, all our products and experiences question existing paradigms, norms and rules, and hope to open some windows to let some air in, and maybe even some doors to let some of us out.

Who is Eina - Core Team
Eina is a quietly rebellious cat mama whose one true love is the mountains. She is unafraid to question all authority, especially that which is internalised, and aspires to live life to the fullest, deeply rooted in authenticity. Her work is a sublimation of her life experiences, and she creates it as her offering, hoping that it’ll resonate because our hearts are more alike than different.
She brings together an MBA, 4 years of corporate experience, and 21 years of creating original jewellery, and now pivots into the role of Creative Director of her 2.0 brand ‘Eina’. She aspires to only create that which adds deep value or love and laughter to the world, at her own pace, in the purest form. She is excited about the journey ahead and hopes that you will sometimes walk through this world with her.

Who is Eina - Core Team
Atikaa is a large-hearted, free-spirited, intergalactic water baby. She loves the slow life, beautiful things, and is deeply moved to action when witnessing the suffering of any sentient being. She makes souffle for the entire community when life gives her lemons, and aspires to help people break free from intergenerational trauma and intimate partner violence. She lives her life as an example of choosing and chasing joy, and then sharing it with the world.
As the Business Head of ‘Eina’ she leads the brand with a future-forward strategy rooted in our shared vision. With a post graduate degree in Fashion Management from NIFT Delhi, 3 years at Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd, and 15 years at Eina Ahluwalia, she leads from the heart, driven by the passion to create a change in the world.